Norman’s Dairy was established in 1999 with the mission of creating high quality dairy products for the cholov yisroel market. A leader in cholov yisroel dairy, Norman’s yogurts can be found on kosher shelves across North America and many other countries. Based out of their exclusively cholov yisroel factory in the Meadowlands, New Jersey, Norman’s continues to set the standard for innovation and quality in the kosher dairy industry.


The people behind Norman’s Dairy make a daily commitment to produce only the highest quality cholov yisroel yogurt. Our team spares no effort in obtaining premium ingridients and machinery. Stringent production standards ensure that all of Norman’s products are delivered to our consumers fresh, pure, and delicious.


Norman’s Dairy has been changing  the face of cholov yisroel dairy since 1999. Our team of development experts are continuously challenging the norms that consumers have come to expect from cholov yisroel yogurt. Norman’s high tech lab is used to experiment on everything from new varieties of dairy cultures to exotic new flavors. This forward-thinking mindset has enabled us to introduce our consumers to exciting new yogurts that have been instantly embraced by kosher households across the world. 


The foundation of Norman’s Dairy is our strict adherence to the highest standards of kashrus (kosher dietary laws). Norman’s ownership of our exclusively cholov yisroel factory ensures that none of our yogurts have ever come in contact with machinery used to produce cholov stam products. Every ingredient that passes through our doors has been stringently examined to ensure it meets the kashrus standards our consumers deserve. Norman’s Dairy is under the hashgacha of the Nirbater Rav, R’ Teitelbaum.